We're giving voices a microphone, and passing the word of community members who would like to share their stories in their own words on a diverse range of topics. Document This is a San Leandro culture and heritage podcast produced by the San Leandro Historical Society. This project is developed as part of our sesquicentennial (150th) celebration events. The listener should know that this podcast does not aim to incorporate theatrics and drama. The intent is to share stories in the words of the people who tell them. Often times there is no interviewer, just the story teller, in complete control of their message and delivery.
Please note that views and opinions expressed by our guests are their own and their appearance on our program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.
Click on the episodes below for a transcription
Episode 1 - San Leandro is Halkin
This two part episode tells the story of the Ohlone people who have always lived here in San Leandro and continue to live here today. The story is told by Vincent Medina, co-founder of Cafe Ohlone and mak-'amham. Cafe Ohlone unfortunately had to close during the pandemic but it is reopening at a new location in the spring of 2022. You can learn more at the website https://www.makamham.com/
Episode 2 - Black History in San Leandro
Black History in San Leandro is a conversation between Surlene Grant, San Leandro's first African American City Council-member and long time social and economic justice advocate Bernard Ashcraft. They discuss how they came to live in San Leandro, how Surlene came to sit on the City Council, challenges and progress made since then, and hopes for the future.